Saturday, February 14, 2009

Project 2: Clicks and Radial

For Project 2 we were asked to make three 20 second clips using a click track and Radial. At first this was a very daunting task since we were new to radial and our provided material was very small. It did take some time, but I stumbled on some interesting results.

We also had the ability to use Midi controls on the keyboards to control different parameters in the program. By assigning different knobs and sliders to change different options in the program we could change multiple parameters at a time, rather than limiting ourselvers on what we can do with a single mouse click.

On all the track I used high pass and low pass filters along with band passes in order to creates the basic sounds such as a lower bass sound or a higher sounds to emulate what cymbals on a drum kit would be used for.

Click 1 is based on the use of 2 effects on different track. One is a ring modulator, which you hear initially with a strong bass beat. About half way through I start playing with a sin wave effect. I was bouncing around the frequency that would be accented. After the sin function, I use the ring modulator in a similar fashion by changing the accentuated frequency.

Click 2 has the use of effects and and rhythm changes. The clip start off with weird swells in the lower frequencies. Then two higher pitched track come in, one with 8th notes and one with 16th notes. At one point I alternate the speed of the 8th notes to line up with 16th notes and then change it back to 8th. This creates a cool effect.

Click 3 is a pretty simple clip showing the uses of the tempo and pitch tool. I only have 2 tracks, one which is a bass line and then a higher pitched part. For one effect I slowly increase the speed of the higher pitched track until it maxes out. Secondly I return the tempo to normal and do a similar effect with the pitch. I slowly move it upwards until I max it out.

The effects were very cool to use. I really would have like to move on more rhythmic ideas, with weird syncopation. I was having a hard time with the time shift and phasing of the clips though. I am really looking forward to seeing other people's material because I am sure there will be a wide variety of results.

Click1 - Sean

Click2 - Sean

Click3 - Sean

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